Stud Dogs

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V- Cadet z Jirkova Dvora 


Czech Import


Embark link

HD- 0/0    ED- 0/0   DM- Clear

Cadet is a large male of good substance and masuculin head type. He shows a willingness to work and engade with his handler. His prey drives are very high with equaily high food drive. Like his pedigree he is true to genetics and anything you might have could be his new favorate toy. He shows strong full grips in his bite work coming into the helper with clear headed power. His tracking is dedicated and intence. He is always on the move and willing to work for you.

Top Scores

Tracking: 98    Obedience: 85    Protection: 96


To-Se-Ta's Caesar IPO2

Danish Import


Embark Testing

Training Clips

HD- A2 Fast Normal     ED- A1 Normal    DM- Clear

*Films taken at 5 years old*

Caesar is a large, dark sable male with super temperament and working ability. He has high ball, food, and hunt drives, along with exceptional work ethic and a natural desire to please. His tracking is dedicated and methodical, and he shows excellent power and drive in his obedience. Caesar is an incredibly pushy dog by nature, and while he bonds strongly and works hard to make his handler happy, he does not accept commands from strangers or work for just anyone. He works with power and with purpose, and he consistently shows very full and strong grips in protection. While he is titled in IGP, he has demonstrated the forward self confidence and natural ability necessary to work on a suit as well, and he excelled when he was put to the test in that avenue too. 

Caesar demonstrates drive and power in everything that he does, yet still maintains the ability to cap his intensity when necessary and is capable of accessing an off switch in appropriate situations too. So far, we have been thrilled with the qualities that he has replicated in his puppies, and we are so excited to continue to utilize this strong dog to further our breeding program, and to improve on the genetics of the Czech dog as a whole.


Live Cover, Frozen Semen

SG1- Akim zo Ziaru IPO3 IGP3 FH Zvv2 AD KKL

Slovak Import

Handler Owned and Trained (HOT)


Embark Testing

Training Clips

HD- A Normal      ED- A Normal      DM- Clear

Top Scores

Tracking: 96    Obedience: 92    Protection: 85

Akim is a large, very substantial male with heavy bone and excellent work ethic. With high toy and hunt drives, medium-high food drive, and strong posession instinct, Akim consistently exhibits power and hardness in all that he does. After being selected at 9 months of age, he was imported to us from Slovakia at 2 years old and was handled, owned, and trained by our kennel as he earned his Schutzhund titles with us here in the States. Akim comes from a pedigree full of police dogs, and has the drive and temperament suitable for that type of work as as well. His pushy nature and strong-willed personality make him best suited for an experienced handler. However, with fair and clear training and mutual respect established between he and his handler, Akim makes an excellent sport dog, and he successfully competed at a Regional Level multiple times throughout his IGP career.

Akim is a powerhouse on the field, which is easily apparent in his protection work. He operates with a "wow factor" that shows his genuine desire to fight and overpower the helper. His grips are always full and hard, with convincing guarding and steadfast confidence through all of the helper's pressure. Outside of his outstanding working ability, Akim's temperament in day to day life is another reason why we love this boy so much. He is extremely clear-headed, with a confident presence and neutral demeanor that he carries with him off of the field as well. Akim is environmentally sure and appropriately social with other dogs and young puppies, as well as with new people he's been introduced to. He has an excellent off switch, and he lives loose in our home as our active companion when he's not working.

Akim is being used to bring hardness and strong working drives to his puppies, and we have been incredibly happy with the progeny he's produced as a part of our program so far.


Live Cover, Frozen Semen

V-Erwin vom Kranich'sHof IPO3  KKL1

German Import


Embark Testing

HD- A Normal      ED- A Normal     DM- Clear

Top Scores

Tracking:      Obedience:     Protection: 

Erwin is a large, black sable male with heavy bone and excellent conformation. He is a medium drive dog who exhibits the capability to act as both a working sport dog and a family companion. He has high ball drive,High food drive, and high hunt drive. Erwin is incredibly social and clear headed, which makes him excellent with strangers, and other dogs. Environmentally, he shows bombproof nerves and is capable of going anywhere and doing anything that his people ask of him, and he exhibits the confidence and versatility necessary to excel in a multitude of venues. He was imported to us from Germany with a pure DDR pedigree, and he is being used to preserve the DDR bloodline and to bring balance in both temperament and drives to his puppies. 


Live cover, Chilled, Frozen Semen


 SG- Frodo od Janice Zvv2

Czech Import


 Embark Testing

Training Clips

HD- 0/0      ED- 0/0    DM- Clear

Zvv2 Scores

Tracking: 86      Obedience: 74      Proection: 85

Frodo is a very large, substantial male imported from the Czech Republic with lovely conformation and plenty of power in all that he does. He is a very clear-headed boy with an open and social temperament who is happy and easygoing in everyday life.

Frodo is very confident in his work, with solid fighting ability and plenty of forward aggression. He posseses a good balance of prey and defense drives, as well as very high drives for both ball and food. He has produced several working police K9's and sport prospects in his time as a stud dog. He will be used in our program to add genetic diversity and maintain the strong working Czech bloodlines that we value so much.


Live Cover, Frozen Semen


DarkFall ZZtop Zvv2 CGCA TKN


Czech Import


Embark Testing

HD- A/A      ED- 0/0     DM- Clear


Zvv2 Scores

Tracking: 94       Obedience: 80      Protection: 85

Zajax is a medium-sized bicolor male imported from the Czech Republic with an excellent temperament and solid medium-high drives. He possesses high food drive, good toy drive, and fantastic natural ability in his tracking. He is a social and open dog with plenty of gas in the tank, and he's proven to be very biddable, both in his work and in everyday life.

We expect Zajax to bring balance in temperament and drives to the puppies he produces, and we're eager to utilize his bloodlines to maintain genetic diversity in our kennel of Czech dogs.


Live Cover, Frozen Semen


SG1-Draco z Weberhaus IGP3 FH1 CD RA CGC KKL

Handler Owned and Trained (HOT)


Embark Testing

HD- A1 Normal    ED- A1 Normal    LUW- 0    DM- Clear

 IGP3 Scores

Tracking: 96    Obedience: 97     Protection: 96

Draco is a large male from our D3 litter, out of Basha z Trvale Svobody and Chris z Hane, with excellent pigment and phenomenal working ability. He has very high ball drive, medium food drive, and is incredibly sound environmentally. 

Draco's obedience is flashy and powerful, with an endless motor and intensity that never fades. He bonds very strongly with his handler and reflects that relationship in his work- he shows excellent biddability without sacrificing power, and he exhibits a very genuine desire to make his person happy. He gives 100% of himself in absolutely everything that he does, which makes him a true joy to work, live, and compete with day in and day out.

Draco shows heavy prey drive coupled with good aggression in his protection, with a grip that is full and hard every single time. His guarding is strong and dominant, and he is consistently unfazed by the helper's pressure. He exhibits power, hardness, and a very intense desire to fight and overpower the man all throughout the protection phase.

Draco has excellent nerve strength and a very clear head, which makes him completely safe and solid environmentally. He's appropriately social with other people, children, and puppies, and he's as wonderful of a companion off of the Schutzhund field as he is a serious competitor. So far he has thrown excellent environmental nerve, working drives, and biddability in his puppies, and we are so looking forward to his continued contribution to our breeding program and success in his competition career.


Live Cover, Frozen Semen

Owned by Mackenzie Goshorn



SG-Hex z Weberhaus IGP3 KKL


Embark link

HD- A1 Normal    ED- A1 Normal    LUW- 0    DM- Clear

Top Scores IGP3

Tracking:90  Obedience:84   Protection: 86

Hex is a medium-sized male produced from our H3 litter, out of our imported girl Banshee Thorax and Czech police K9 Urquel z Tresnaku.

He is a young, pushy dog who shows solid prey and possession drives coupled with very solid environmentals and an open and social temperament. Hex has high food drive, high toy drive, and a good mix of prey and defensive aggression in his work. Following the completion of his working titles, we are looking forward to using this boy as a continuation of our Czech preservation program.


V-Willi vom Weltwitz IGP3 KKL



Embark link

HD- A2 Fast Normal    ED- A1 Normal    LUW- 0    DM- Clear

Top Scores

Tracking: 94  Obedience: 87  Protection: 87



V-Uso vom Kaditzer Land IGP3 KKL


Embark link

HD- A1 Normal    ED- A2 Fast Normal    LUW- 0    DM- Clear

Top Scores

Tracking: 83  Obedience: 84  Protection: 86

Uso is a large Black male from East German working lines he shows strong natural drives in protection and overall balanced nerve. More updates to come and we get to know him.


V1-Beowolf vom MK Haus IGP1 ANG


Embark Link

HD- Normal    ED- Normal   LUW-0  OCD-N  DM- Clear


Top Scores

Tracking: 95  Obedience: 97  Protection: 93

Wolf is our upcoming Iwan son who shows high food and prey drives with natural desire to work and please his handler. This young guy is showing a lot of promise as a future IGP dog. Natual mythoticle tracking with a deep nose. Ball drive and toy drives are through the roof he will bark for anything you have or anything he wants. So far he is showing a natural full grip 

We look forward to seeing how he matures and if he like his father can help bring blanced temerament and drives to the DDR population. 


SG-Harley z Weberhaus IGP3 ANG


Embark Link

Top Scores

Tracking: 97  Obedience: 91  Protection: 90

HD- OFA- GOOD    ED- Normal   DM- Clear

Harley is a med sized male who is fast and athletic. He shows strong and hard grips. He is dominant toward the helper with fight drives. Harley has produces strong puppies so far and we look forward to what he can add to the genetic of the working Czech lines.