This page is for Studs that will be used by us in our program or that we own Frozen Semen on !!!
V-1 Cesar z Jirkova Dvora
Cesar is a large male with heavy bone and old style large blocky head. Showing power and very high drives in all his work. Very deep intinse tracking with extream ball and hunt drive. He will work all day for his hander in any weather and under any conditions. He loves to go to the lake and swim. Cesar has been used as a Demo dog for police work. With true hardness and high fight drives he will work in suit or muzzle work. He is very clear is the head when working and will take anything you can throw at him. He comes for a long bite with speed and intent. Cesar shows a perfect off switch at home and can chill in the house. He is good with kids and other animals. Cesar has puppies working as Protection, Police and SAR homes as well as a few family companions. We are very lucky to have this male as a part of our program and love what he as Produced for us. His puppies have proven to posses many of his traits.
HD- A-1 Normal Hips
OFA- DM Clear Frozen Semen in File
U- CH V- Grim z Jeniku
Grim is a very high drive male with a ton of talent for work. His natural tracking abilities have been a total joy to watch. He works through his tracks with endless ethic. His obedience work shows great power and willingness to please the handler. His protection work with his powerful barking and grips make him very impressive to watch. He is social with other dogs, puppies, and cats. This guy is just a super "all around" dog. His top pedigree brings some of the old Czech border lines.
We are very pleased to bring such a dog to the U.S.
FCI-HD/ED- a(0/0) SV- HD/ED A-Normal
OFA- DM Clear KKL Grim Protection Work Grim Sch1 Track Frozen Semen on File AKC,CMKU,SV,USA Registered DNA Top Scores Tracking- 95 Obedience- 84 Protection- 91 High SchH1, High IPO2, High in Trial, High Tracking, High Protection High IPO3 |
V-1 Miky z Tresnaku Czech Import
North central regional Seiger 2010
Miky is a large male with lots of drive for any type of work. He is very relaxed in the house but can turn it on as soon as you walk on the field. He is joy to work as he is a natural tracker and just enjoys everything he does. He is a low maintenance dog when it comes to training. I have pulled Miky out after months; laid a very hard FH type track that he will work with precision till the end. We could not be happier with him over all and he is a true joy to live with and be around. Miky is perfectly sound in his head, social and loves other animals. He is excellent with kids. He shows no fear or surprise in any situation. This is an old type Czech dog. His father Enzo was a very well known dog, a National winner in the Czech Republic several times represented at World Championships. The ZVV3 is one of the most difficult titles in the world. Miky qualified for ZVV3 nationals in Czech republic at 3 years of age...!!
Miky is an excellent choice for breeding to produce puppies in top sport and police. He has been used at stud to produce puppies for demanding work before coming to the US.
We are very happy to bring this dog to the USA!
Czech Breed Survey- 5CI 1/P- KKL1* OFA- DM Clear MDR1-Clear Frozen Semen on File
AKC, USA, CKMU, SV Registered DNA |
VS3 Czech Import Tom is a large, strong male of good structure and strong nerves. This dog is a true "old style" dog who is not suitable for just anyone, especially an inexperienced handler. He is very much a one handler dog who bonds strongly and gives everything he has. Tom shows a clear head and independent nature. He is always hard and fast to the bite and his work ethic is outstanding. The VS3 title takes an entire week of testing to prove the heart this dog has for his work. His puppies will be suitable for high level working homes, police, and possible sport dogs. We look forward the future he can offer our program. HD/ ED 0/0 Czech Breed Servey DM-Carrier AKC, CMKU, SV Registered DNA
Frozen semen on file
IPO3,SCH3,FH2,IPOFH German Import DDR Iwan is a large dark male with super temperament and good social skills. He has High ball and hunt drives with extreme food drives. He is a natural and skilled tracking dog who is dedicated to his track till the end, He has exceptional work ethic and natural retrieve drives. His work is powerful and with purpose. He loves to please the handler and shows very full and strong grips in bitework. He comes down the field with speed and power to the helper. He has been worked in a bite suit and is very self sure. Iwan show such drive and power on field and in his work yet lives inside with us and can be calm and just hang out. Even at 7 years old he acts like a young dog of only 3 years old. He was a proven dog in Germany to produce strong drives and pass many of his wonderful traits to his puppies. HD/ ED A Normal Breed Servey DM-Clear AKC, UKC, SV Registered DNA
Frozen semen
Top Scores Tracking 99 Obedience 85 Protection 97 FH 96 FH2 97 IPO FH2 x2 |
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SG- Story pod Tehelnou Banou Zvv2 Police K9, Explosives Detection Dog Slovak Import HD- A Normal ED- 0/0 DM- Clear Tracking: 85 Obedience: 85 Protection: 90 Story is a large and strong male with rich pigment. He is a dog of Solid nerves and clear head. He has been working with police depeartment and has been used for suspect apprehencen and explosives detection. We are very greatful to bring Story to the USA. Story shows strong powerful grips and extreme speed to the helper. His ball drive and hunt drives are excellent. Story loves his handler and wants to do what ever he can to make me happy. He is such a joy to work with.
Frozen Semen |
Czech Import HD- 0/0 ED- 0/0 DM- Clear Zvv1 Scores Tracking: 72 Obedience: 83 Protection: 86
Togo is a medium sized male who shows very good natural tracking skills. He shows great hunt, food,and ball drives. He is social and clear in the head with solid nerves. He shows a nice firm grip during bitework and a nice off switch when not working. Togo is a versatile dog who can enjoy sport work as well and hold his own when challenged in a real way. He is an easy dog to work with. Togo enjoys working for his handler. Togo has been used to maintain balance in puppies.
Frozen Semen |
V-Arek Von Der Wedeme IPO3 AD KKL1 German Import HD- A Normal ED- A Normal DM- Clear Top Scores Tracking: 87 Obedience: 84 Protection: 88 Arek is a large, black sable male with heavy bone and excellent conformation. He is a medium drive dog who exhibits the capability to act as both a working sport dog and a family companion. He has high ball drive, medium food drive, and high hunt drive. Arek is incredibly social and clear headed, which makes him excellent with children, puppies, and other dogs. Environmentally, he shows bombproof nerves and is capable of going anywhere and doing anything that his people ask of him, and he exhibits the confidence and versatility necessary to excel in a multitude of venues. He was imported to us from Germany with a pure DDR pedigree, and he is being used to preserve the DDR bloodline and to bring balance in both temperament and drives to his puppies. Arek resides in a guardian home where he acts as a protector and constant companion to his family.
Frozen Semen |
SG1- Akim zo Ziaru IPO3 IGP3 FH Zvv2 AD KKL Slovak Import Handler Owned and Trained (HOT) HD- A Normal ED- A Normal DM- Clear Top Scores Tracking: 96 Obedience: 92 Protection: 85 Akim is a large, very substantial male with heavy bone and excellent work ethic. With high toy and hunt drives, medium-high food drive, and strong posession instinct, Akim consistently exhibits power and hardness in all that he does. After being selected at 9 months of age, he was imported to us from Slovakia at 2 years old and was handled, owned, and trained by our kennel as he earned his Schutzhund titles with us here in the States. Akim comes from a pedigree full of police dogs, and has the drive and temperament suitable for that type of work as as well. His pushy nature and strong-willed personality make him best suited for an experienced handler. However, with fair and clear training and mutual respect established between he and his handler, Akim makes an excellent sport dog, and he successfully competed at a Regional Level multiple times throughout his IGP career. Akim is a powerhouse on the field, which is easily apparent in his protection work. He operates with a "wow factor" that shows his genuine desire to fight and overpower the helper. His grips are always full and hard, with convincing guarding and steadfast confidence through all of the helper's pressure. Outside of his outstanding working ability, Akim's temperament in day to day life is another reason why we love this boy so much. He is extremely clear-headed, with a confident presence and neutral demeanor that he carries with him off of the field as well. Akim is environmentally sure and appropriately social with other dogs and young puppies, as well as with new people he's been introduced to. He has an excellent off switch, and he lives loose in our home as our active companion when he's not working. Akim is being used to bring hardness and strong working drives to his puppies, and we have been incredibly happy with the progeny he's produced as a part of our program so far.
Frozen Semen |
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SG Echoo Polica Slovakia VS3 Slovak Police K9 HD- A ED- A VS3 Scores Tracking:239 Obedience: 90 Protection: 233
Frozen Semen |
VD-Hyro Waji
Czech Import
HD/ED 0/0 CMKU, AKC Registered
Hyro islarge male of strong bone and Type. He possess great bone and head. He is a solid nerved dog with a sharp edge. Hyro shows full grips and a love of his work. He is a one handler dog who produced super puppies in the past giving us our female Coca z Tlustovous. Hyro will be used for his hardness and drives in our program. Frozen Semen in File Tracking-98 Obedience-92 Protection- 92 |
SG-2 Dragon Bohenia Abakan CS
IPO3, VPG3, ZM Zvv1 KKL2
Czech Import
HD/ED 0/0 CMKU, AKC Registered Dask is a large and very strong dog. With super work ethic and a very clear head. He shows strong drives to work for his handler. Dragon brings some old Czech lines close up with solid bone and Head type. He will be used in our breeding program to bring forward health and temperament. Frozen Semen in File

SG- Brutus z Kociciho Dvora
Czech Import
HD/ED 0/0 DM Clear CMKU, AKC Registered
Frozen Semen in File Thanks to DON! |
SG- Cash vom Beerenhof
Sch1 AD
FULL DDR IMPORT Pedigree SV Hips: "a-2" Fast Normal SV Elbows: "a" Normal DNA DM - Clear with the DDC DNA Test Coat Length: Clear Frozen Semen in File
V- Lary Bret-Bett
Czech Import
SV Hips: A-Normal SV Elbows: "a" Normal CMKU /AKC Reg Frozen Semen in File
SG-Chris z Hane
Zvv3 IPO3
Resides in Czech
Czech Hips: "A" 0/0
Czech Elbows: "A" 0/0
Frozen Semen in File
SG- Evar Svoi Mlyn
IPO3 Zvv3
V- Xant z Jirkova Dvora
Yukon Re-Star
Slovak Import
Hips: a 0/0
Elbows: A 0/0
Yukon is a powerful, pushy male with a superb temperament. He's got tons of drive and a stellar work ethic but can come home to be an excellent house/family dog as well. He's safe around puppies, safe in public, rides well in a car, quiet in a kennel. Yukon is strong in his protection work and has an impressive long bite. Yukon resides in Central Oregon, will be available for live cover or shipped chilled. HD/ED - 0/0 DM Clear Embark Tested Clear Does not carry for coats
Frozen Semen in File
U-CH Dax Benidict
Cardiac -Clear
Hips: OFA Fair Elbows: Normal Frozen Semen in File
V- Cato vom Zenhof
HD/ED A Normal
Large substantial male with large bone and super head. Great temperament and solid neveres. Cato is a great dog who brings some old lines forward close up. Cato shows good power in all his work and competated at a national level. He was Owned and handed by Kelly Yeager. AKC Registered
Frozen Semen in File
Nicodemus von der Fenrisburg German Import DDR lines HD- OFA Good ED- OFA Normal Spine- OFA Normal DM Clear
Dejuco Ace CGCA, TKN, TC DM Clear HD- OFA- Excellent ED- OFA Normal Frozen Semen in file Ace is a Dark sable male of Med size. He shows good hardness in his work and a open and social personality. Ace had a nice strong grip and happy willingness to work and learn. He is being worked toward titles and seems to enjoy each aspect of what he is learning. This young male is social and a overall happy go lucky boy. We hope to see him progress to titles and produce puppies that will bring some of the outstanding traits of his pedigree forward. Standing at Stud in MD at Rodina Straze German Shepherds |
Jag Smrekova Hora Svv1 HD-A ED- 0/0 Slovak Import Embark Tested DM-Carrier Large Dark sable male imported for geneticly strong pedigree. Jag loves his food and will do anyting to get it. He likes to play ball and show strong barking toward the helper. Jag has good enviromentals and works on slick floors. He is very high enery and needs a outlet. He is Ideal for females who need to improve drive and bring strong temperament to puppies. He is open to outside females. He bring strong joint health to the pedigree. Frozen semen on file!